
Membership of this standing committee shall consist of the chairman, who is Vice-President of the Faculty Senate, and three other members purposed by the Committee on Committees approved by the MCG Faculty Senate Executive Committee and confirmed by a quorum vote of the MCG Faculty Senate.  The other members are selected for three-year rotating terms.


This standing committee will meet at least once a year or more frequently as needed to determine if changes or amendments to the By-Laws are needed.  This committee shall assist the Executive Committee in interpretation of the By-Laws and Rules for the Medical College of Georgia Faculty Senate.  It shall consider amendments to the By-Laws and Rules and shall write and revise the By-Laws and Rules for the Medical College of Georgia Faculty Senate, as may be needed.

Committee Membership

Almira Vazdarjanova, PhD, Vice President for MCG Faculty Senate, Chair
Surendra Rajpurohit, PhD
Vaibhav Kumar, PhD
David Walsh, MD
Vishal Arora, MD, President, MCG Faculty Senate, ex-officio