Students may receive credit for a Augusta University course by taking an examination in place of the actual course. Some exams can be taken prior to admission to Augusta University. Information is provided below for each type of exam, the courses that are equivalent and other conditions that may apply to credit being awarded .

Course Name Credit Hours Min. Score Test Name
ART 1211 3 3 Studio Art Drawing Portfolio
ART 1520 3 3 2D Design Portfolio
BIOL 1102 4 Environmental Science
BIOL 1107-1108 8 4 or 5 Biology
INQR 1000 and ELEC AU 3 Seminar
Elective 3 3 Research
CHEM 1211 4 4 Chemistry
CHEM 1211-1212 8 5 Chemistry
Computer Science      
CSCI 1301 4 3 Computer Science A
ECON 2106 3 3 Microeconomics
ECON 2105 3 3 Macroeconomics
ENGL 1101 3 3 Language and Composition or Literature and Composition
ENGL 1101 & 1102 6 5 Language and Composition or Literature and Composition
Foreign Languages      
FL 1002 3 3 Regular Exam (Also receive credit for FL 1001)
FL 2001 3 4 Regular Exam (Also receive credit for FL 1001, 1002)
FL 2002 3 5 Regular Exam (Also receive credit for FL 1001,
1002 and FL 2001)
GEOG 1111 3 3 Human Geography
HIST  1112 3 3 World History
HIST 1112 3 3 European History
HIST 2111 or 2112 3 3 U.S. History (2)
HIST 2111 and 2112 6 5 U.S. History (2)
MATH 1113 3(1)    
MATH 2011 4 3 Calculus AB or BC
MATH 2011 and 2012 8 4 Calculus BC
MATH 1401 3 3 Elementary Statistics
MUSI 1101 2 4, 5 Music Theory
MUSI 1201 2 3 Music Theory
MUSI 1211 2 4,5 Music Theory
PHYS 1111 4 4 or 5 Physics 1
PHYS 1112 4 4 or 5 Physics 2
PHYS 1111 4 3 or 4 Physics B
PHYS 1111 4 3 Physics C: Mechanics
PHYS 1112 4 3 Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 1111 and 1112 8 5 Physics B
PHYS 2211 4 4 or 5 Physics C: Mechanics
PHYS 2212 4 4 or 5 Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Political Science      
POLS 1101 3 3 Political Science (2)
PSYC 1101 3 3 Psychology
  1. With a C in the next calculus course after AP credit
  2. Does not satisfy the Georgia State Legislative Requirement
Course Name Credit Hours Min. Score Test Name
ACCT 2101 3 50 (non majors)/65 (majors) Introductory Accounting
BIOL 1107-1108 8 50 Biology
Elective (Non-Lab) 3 50 GE Natural Science(1)
BUSA 4210 3 50 Introductory Business Law
ECON 2106 3 50 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 2105 3 50 Principles of Macroeconomics
EDUC 2102 3 50 Human Growth and Development
Foreign Languages      
FREN 1001-1002(2) 6 50 French Language
GRMN 1001-1002(2) 6 50 German Language
SPAN 1001-1002(2) 6 50 Spanish Language
FREN 1001-2002 12 59 French Language
GRMN 1001-2002 12 60 German Language
SPAN 1001-2002 12 63 Spanish Language
HIST 1111 3 50 World Civilization I
HIST 1112 3 50 World Civilization II
HIST 2111 3 50 American History I(3)
HIST 2112 3 50 American History II(3)
MGMT 3500 3 50 Introduction to Management
MKTG 3700 3 50 Introduction to Marketing
MATH 1111 3 50 College Algebra
Elective (Non-Core) 3 50 College Math
Political Science      
POLS 1101 3 47 American Government(3)
PSYC 1101 3 50 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 2103 3 50 Human Growth and Development
SOCI 1101 3 50 Introduction to Sociology
  1. Must also receive a Scaled Subscore of 50 on the Biological Sciences Subtest
  2. No credit for 1001 if it's the language student took in high school and it hasn't been five years since they took it
  3. Does not satisfy the Georgia State Legislative Requirement
Course Name Credit Hours Min. Score Test Name
ANTH 1101 or 2011 3 4 Social and Cultural Anthropology
Various Courses     Departmental Review- See Art Dept.
BIOL 1101 & BIOL 1102 8 5-7 IB Biology Standard Level (w. diploma)
BIOL 1101 & BIOL 1102 8 4-5 IB Biology Higher Level
BIOL 1107 & BIOL 1108 8 6-7 IB Biology Higher Level
CHEM 1151 4 5 IB Chemistry SL (w. diploma)
CHEM 1211 4 6 or 7 IB Chemistry SL (w. diploma)
CHEM 1211 4 5 or 6 IB Chemistry HL
CHEM 1211 & CHEM 1212 8 7 IB Chemistry HL
ECON 2105 or ECON 2106 3 5-6 HL Economics (with syllabus evaluation and approval)
ECON 2015 and/or ECON 2016 3 6-7 HL Economics (with syllabus evaluation and approval)
ECON 2105 or ECON 2106 3 5-7 SL Economics (w. diploma and syllabus evaluation and approval)
ENGL 1101 3   4-7 Higher Level English
ENGL 1101 3 6 - 7 SL English (w. Diploma)
Foreign Language      
FL 1001 and 1002 6 5,6,7 Higher Level (Major Specific)
HIST 1111 or 1112 3 4 History of the Islamic World
HIST 1111 or 1112 3 4 Other History
HIST 2111 and 2112 6 4 History/Americas(1)
MATH 1113 3(2) 4 Higher Level
MATH 2210 3 4 Higher Level
(Statistics and Probability option)
MATH 2011 4 5 Higher Level
MATH 1113
MATH 2011
MATH 2012
11 6 Higher Level
(Differential Equations option)
PHIL 2010 3 4 Philosophy
PHYS 1111 4 4 IB Physics HL
PHYS 1111 and 1112 8 5-7 IB Physics HL
PHSC 1011 4 5 IB Physics SL (w. diploma)
PHYS 1111 4 6-7 IB Physics SL (w. diploma)
PSYC 1101 3 4 -7 IB Psychology HL
PSYC 1101 3 5-7 IB Psychology SL (w. Diploma)
  1. Does not satisfy the Georgia State Legislative Requirement
Course Name Credit Hours Min. Score Test Name
BIOL 1107 and 1108 8 670 Biology
BIOL 1107 and 1108 8 570(1) Biology
CHEM 1151 4 5 Chemistry
CHEM 1211 4 6 Chemistry
CHEM 1211 and 1212 8 7 Chemistry
HIST 1111 or 1112 3 4-7 History of the Islamic World
HIST 1111 or 1112 3 4-7 Other History
HIST 2111 and 2112 6 4-7 History/Americas(2)
PHIL 1000 3 4-7 Philosophy
PHYS 1111 4 4-7 Physics
  1. Requires passing a lab exam
  2. Does not satisfy the Georgia State Legislative Requirement
Course Name Credit Hours Min. Score Test Name
HIST 1111 3 600 World History
HIST 2111 or 2112 3 600 U.S. History and Social Science(1)
  1. Does not satisfy the Georgia State Legislative Requirement
Course Name Credit Hours Min. Score Test Name
Foreign Languages      
FL 1001 and 1002 3 1 Earned Score
FL 2001 and 2002 6 >2 Earned Score
MATH 1113 4 (1) Math Level I
Physical Science      
PHSC 1011(Non-Lab) 3 600 Physics (2)
  1. Requires 1200 or better combined on this test and the SAT-M, a 3.00 high school average, a course in trigonometry, and a C or better in MATH 1120, MATH 2011, or MATH 1220.
  2. Three hours of non-lab elective credit. Cannot be used to satisfy Area D lab science requirements
Course Name Credit Hours Min. Score Test Name
ACCT 2101 3 50 Introduction to Accounting
BIOL 2111 and 2112 8 57 Anatomy and Physiology (1)
FINC 3400 3 50 Corporate Finance
MGMT 3500 3 50 Principles of Management
MGMT 3510 3 50 Organizational Behavior
QUAN 3600 3 50 Production/Operation Management
MKTG 3700 3 50 Principles of Marketing
  1. Requires a lab exam
Course Name Credit Hours Min. Score Test Name
ACCT 2101 3 50 SE-525
BUSA 4210 3 50 SE-534
Elective 3 50 SE-534
Computer Science      
CSCI 1200 3 47 SF-546
Criminal Justice      
CRJU 103 3 49 SF-498
FINC 3400 3 50 SE-524
FINC 4420 3 50 SF-548
FINC 3410 3 50 SF-546
FINC 3420 3 50 SF-547
HIST 1112 3 60 SE-465
MGMT 4500 3 50 SF-530
MKTG 3700 3 50 SSE-549
Physical Science      
PHSC 1011 (Non-Lab) 3 50 SE-512 (1)
  1. Three hours of non-lab elective credit. Cannot be used to satisfy Area D lab science requirements

*Students must successfully complete six or more hours of Augusta University coursework before credit can be loaded*

See Department  
See Department  
See Department  
See Department  
Computer Science  
All Courses Except CSCI 3400  
See Department  
ENGL 1101 See Department for others. SATV > 620 or ACT > 27, and a Writing Sample
See Department  
Foreign Languages  
FL 1001-2002 Otherwise requires placement test. For students whose native language is offered in the University System of Georgia.
See Department  
See Department  
See Department Chair Requires a 600 or better on SAT-M, a 3.00 high school average, a course in trigonometry, and a C or better in MATH 2011 or MATH 1220
Military Science  
See Department  
Selected Subjects  
Physical Science  
See Department