Series of speakers will lead up to 2024 Innovate student pitch competition
The 2024 Innovate Pitch competition will hold several events leading up to the competition finals on March 28, all at the Georgia Cyber Innovation and Training Center.
The Office of Legal Affairs is Augusta University's in-house legal counsel. Attorneys in the Office of Legal Affairs provide legal advice and counseling to the University through its administrators, faculty, and staff in the course of their duties on behalf of the University.
The Augusta University Legal Affairs Office provides advice on a variety of topics including contracts, employment and discretionary issues, inventions, copyrights and other intellectual property, and risk management. In addition to providing legal counseling to the University, other areas of responsibility for the Office of Legal Affairs include policy interpretation and advice, administration of the University's grievance and dispute resolution procedures, contract review, and – in conjunction with the Attorney General – management of actual or threatened litigation in which the University is involved. The Office of Legal Affairs is also available to provide training and informative programs on legal issues applicable to units of the University.
The information contained on this site is for use by Augusta University. Forms or documents provided are not intended to serve as legal advice. The Office of Legal Affairs does not provide legal advice to administrators, faculty, staff, or students in their individual capacities. Employees and students should generally consult with their supervisor or faculty member before contacting the Legal Affairs Office.
Legal Affairs
Health Sciences Campus
Room- AA 2028
1459 Laney Walker Blvd
Augusta, GA 30912
We are guided by operating principles of: integrity and the highest ethical standards; a commitment to excellence; continuously updated legal expertise; professionalism; creativity; sound decision-making; prevention; effectiveness; risk management; teamwork; effective communication; courtesy and respect; consensus-building; timeliness; and professional growth.
With limited exceptions, public records of AU are subject to the Georgia Open Records Act, O.C.G.A.-50-18-70 et seq.
Open Records RequestsInformal process mandated by BOR whereby employees experiencing disputes can come together with a trained neutral (intermediary) to try to work out mutually agreeable resolution.
Mediation ProgramLitigation for professional negligence involving doctors whose patients have been injured by a doctor whose actions were below the applicable standard of care pursue damages.
Medical MalpracticeTemplate agreements that contain the University's preferred terms for specific types of collaborations
Standard AgreementsIn order to streamline the process for drafting, revising, and approval of policies, AU has implemented a management system.
Policies & GuidelinesLegal Affairs serves as the single source for university-level policies and information pertaining to policy drafting and review.
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) governs the release of educational records. Students must file educational records request with the Registrar’s Office.
Statutory device whereby a patient informs a healthcare provider how he/she desires their care to be delivered given a particular set of medical conditions.
AU has a system for processing contracts. All contracts must be approved by the Office of Legal Affairs prior to execution by employees with written signature authority.
Employee conduct that improperly benefits his/her financial interest or those of his or her family members or any business with which the person is associated.
Intellectual property is a category of property that includes intangible creations of the human intellect. The most prominent types are copyrights, patents, and trademarks.
AU has a system for processing contracts. All contracts must be approved by the Office of Legal Affairs prior to execution by employees with written signature authority.
Non-disclosure agreements (NDA) are legal commitments prohibiting the release of specific information, e.g., proprietary research, health and educational records, etc.
The 2024 Innovate Pitch competition will hold several events leading up to the competition finals on March 28, all at the Georgia Cyber Innovation and Training Center.
Augusta University's first executive leadership cohort is expected to complete the program in June.
“A comprehensive and ongoing policy process is a critical component of creating and supporting a culture of ethics and integrity, which reflects our mission and values,” said Chris Melcher, vice president and general counsel for Augusta University.
Preventing the spread of COVID-19 makes it an unusual circumstance for coordinating volunteer efforts.