The Psychiatry Student Interest Group (P.S.I.G.) was established to increase interactive exposure to the field of psychiatry.

At each meeting, a psychiatrist is invited to facilitate a discussion on a particular topic or specialty in psychiatry. This group also encourages interest group students to shadow psychiatrists and facilitates involvement in research projects with faculty members. P.S.I.G. also promotes the discourse for psychiatric education in the medical school community.

Dr. Rohini Mehta is the advisor for P.S.I.G. and provides liaison between the group and the Department of Psychiatry and Health Behavior.  Membership is open to all interested MCG students with no membership fee. Elections for student representative(s) will be held before the last meeting of spring semester. The student representative(s) serve as president of P.S.I.G. and are involved in organizing meetings, maintaining contact with the national PsychSIGN leaders, and working with advisors and other psychiatry faculty. Co-presidents for 2020-2021 are Vunya Srinivasa and Rishab Chawla.

2020-2021 CoPresidents PSIG

Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the PSIG has met virtually for various activites.  Thankfully, the group has enjoyed one another through this method of contact.