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Eligible:All after completing Asepsis Training
Months Offered: all
Course Description: In order to develop basic understanding of ophthalmology disease processes and treatments, learn basic ophthalmology examination skills, and develop a differential diagnosis, given common presenting eye symptoms, students will observe and participate in a hospital-based practice as well as observe ophthalmologic surgery.
Category: Non-Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks
Contact: Department Faculty, Clerkship Coordinator,
Regional Campus Coordinator
Eligible: All
Months Offered: all
Course Description: In order to develop clinical or basic science research skills and experience in ophthalmology, students will work with a faculty member on a research project of mutual interest. As a part of this course students will outline their research project with literature references and carry it out under supervision. A written report on the project is required at the end of the elective period.
This course requires application using VSAS or other arrangements made by the student. Off-Campus Add Form Required
Category: Clinical
Classification: Off Campus
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator
Eligible: Enrichment Only
Months Offered: all
Course Description: This course is designed to provide exposure to clinical ophthalmology in another residency program or other institution.