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Eligible: Enrichment Only
Months Offered: all
This course requires application using VSAS or other arrangements made by the student. Off-Campus Add Form Required.
Course Description: This elective gives students the opportunity to pursue educational opportunities in other residencies or practices outside the MCG system.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Coordinator
Eligible: All
Months Offered: all
Course Description: Students will work in a variety of practice locations in order to gain experience in the evaluation and management of patients with undifferentiated clinical problems encountered in the practice of Family Medicine. Note that this course is designed for students to work in a variety of private practice locations in the state but does not meet the requirements for the Sub-I selective.
Category: Non-Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks
Contact: Department Faculty, Clerkship Coordinator,
Regional Campus Coordinator
Eligible: all
Months Offered: all
Course Description: This course is designed to allow students to pursue research opportunities in Family Medicine.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Coordinator
Eligible: Enrichment only
Months Offered: all
Course Description: This course is designed to give the students a clinical experience in Sports Medicine. Students will have the opportunity to experience the practice in the clinic setting as well as in the field-side delivery of care.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 weeks
Contact: Athens Campus Coordinator
Eligible: Enrichment Only
Months Offered: all
Course Description: Students will rotate in a rural setting where you will see patients, performing history and physicals examinations, and assist in the care management with consideration of the challenges to care that exist in this environment. Opportunities to perform procedures available at the site will be afforded as circumstances permit. Students will be expected to be engaged in all clinical care and settings including out of the primary office setting if necessary (e.g. nursing home rounds, home visits, etc...). Availability will be at the discretion of individual faculty practices.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Coordinator
Eligible: all
Months Offered: all
Course Description: Students will rotate in a variety of settings in order to appreciate the problems facing the homeless and other vulnerable populations and to gain an understanding of the resources available in the community to help these populations.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Campus Coordinator
Eligible: Enrichment Only
Months Offered: all
Course Description: This course is designed to give students who are interested in Family Medicine exposure to the procedures commonly performed by Family Physicians including women's health procedures, simple skin procedures, joint injections as well as opportunities for procedural integrative approaches such as osteopathic manipulation and acupuncture.
Category: Non-Clinical
Classification: 4 weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Coordinator
Eligible: all
Months Offered: all
Course Description: The course will engage students in researching key health policy topics and developing advocacy strategies to influence policy in these areas. Students will be engaged in discussions about required readings, literature reviews, and data analysis. Group discussions and small group work will be utilized to complete tasks. Sometimes group members may include full time faculty / staff assigned to certain topics and other times groups may be composed of solely students with a faculty lead. Students will required to conduct extensive literature reviews and acquire latest research findings in topic area of interest, develop and participate in advocacy strategic planning, and develop and scholarly work products (e.g. fact sheets, position white papers, resolutions, etc.) and utilize these as indicated with various advocate groups.
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator
Eligible: All
Months Offered: all
Course Description: Students will gain a first-hand understanding of the barriers to health – especially as they influence diet – in an impoverished urban neighborhood. Attend nutrition education lectures, help conduct and attend nutrition-based cooking classes with a professional chef during the month, attend a bariatric information session with a health psychologist, work with members of the American Culinary Federation and Augusta District Dietetic Association, and conduct a home-based study of one or two families to analyze the connections between poverty and diet-related illnesses.