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EMED 5002
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Coordinator
Eligible: Enrichment Only after taking EMED 5001
Months Offered: all
Course Description: This rotation is designed for students interested in Emergency Medicine as a career to give them a chance to work more closely with EM faculty. Students will serve as externs in the Emergency Department seeing patients under the direct supervision of EM faculty. Students will assume the primary medical care responsibilities for patients and work independent of EM resident input. Students will also present a lecture during weekly EM grand rounds. Students will rotate on a local ambulance service for two shifts.
EMED 5004
Category: Non-Clinical
Classification: 4 weeks
Contact: Yulissa Rodriguez
Eligible: All with faculty approval
Months Offered: by arrangement
Course Description: Students will choose a research topic with the aid of the department research director, who will match them to an appropriate faculty member within the Department of EM. The students will perform a literature search and produce a short written research proposal for approval by the Human Assurance Committee. With the aid of the faculty advisor and a research statistician, the student will conduct the research project, analyze the data, and create a one paragraph abstract describing the research findings. In some cases the department may have well developed research projects that require additional assistance. These projects may also be undertaken to fulfill the requirements of the elective.
EMED 5005
Category: Clinical
Classification: Off Campus
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator
Eligible: Enrichment Only after taking EMED 5001
Months Offered: all
Note: this course requires application using VSAS or other arrangements made by the student. Off-Campus Add Form Required.
Course Description: Teaching materials will be provided by the chosen facility. The rotation should provide ample clinical experience, patient contact, and procedures. Some sites may have dedicated procedure practice sessions. Clinical instruction in the initial evaluation and stabilization of the acutely ill and injured patient should be provided by working alongside Emergency Medicine faculty (and possibly residents) who are present 24 hours a day. Students should work a variety of shifts including days, evenings and nights, including some weekends.
EMED 5007
Apply Through Study Abroad
Category: Clinical
Classification: International
Contact: Yulissa Rodriguez
Eligible: Enrichment Only
Months Offered: by arrangement
Course Description: EMED 5007 is a supervised clinical experience that allows students
to engage in patient care under the direct supervision of faculty trained and familiar
with travel medicine, clinical tropical medicine, and medicine in resource-limited
settings. Opportunities exist ranging from hospital-based experience to remote mobile
village clinics. Students may join AU faculty on a planned trip or arrange their own
experience to a site where they will be supervised.
Pre-trip asynchronous lectures and reading materials are required to prepare students
for international travel. On average six months planning and interaction with the
course director/team leader, and medical school administration must occur before the
beginning of the rotation month. This allows for appropriate time to begin vaccinations,
plan hotel and transportation, and organize supplies. Students will be responsible
for all costs, e.g. airfare and ground expenses.
As an elective for credit toward graduation from medical school, it is inherent that
the experience have significant medical educational content that involves direct clinical
care; eg a foreign language immersion class will not be approved unless there is patient
contact to practice those skills.
Although this course has an Emergency Medicine course designation, the clinical rotation
does not have be an EM experience. Clinical work can be performed in the student’s
specialty of choice. Students must be able to identify a supervising physician who
will be at the location during their rotation and who will be primarily responsible
for student supervision and completion of an evaluation form.
Goals for Global Health Elective: 1. Gain knowledge about the diagnosis and clinical
management of acute and chronic medical problems in an international setting. 2. Understand
the complexity involved in the delivery of public health in parts of the world where
resources are limited. Learning to think beyond disease states as drivers of public
health. 3. Increase history taking and physical exam skills by applying them in settings
were advanced imaging and laboratory tests are less available. 4. Learn how to communicate
and care for patients with the additional challenges of cultural and language barriers.
EMED 5008
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 weeks
Contact: Yulissa Rodriguez
Eligible: Enrichment only
Months Offered: July - October; January - April
Course Description: EMED 5008 is a 4 week elective focusing on point-of-care ultrasound for Year 4 medical students. The goals of this elective course are to promote Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) as a clinical skills tool to enhance the educational experience of students with basic science content and to transform basic knowledge and experience of students with ultrasound technology to enable readiness to incorporate POCUS skills set into clinical practice. This course will introduce medical students to a variety of POCUS scanning techniques through lectures and hands-on scanning sessions. Course assessments will include didactic learning assessments, image interpretation assessments, and ultrasound scanning assessments.
EMED 5013
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 weeks
Contact: Regional Campus Coordinators
Eligible: Enrichment Only
Months Offered: all
This course does not replace the Emergency Medicine Clerkship. Students must still take EMED 5001.
Course Description: The schedule includes approximately 34-36 hours of patient contact per week. Students will spend at least one session with a triage nurse in the ED. Students will ride one shift with EMS and one with paramedics during this rotation. Students will work a variety of shifts.
EMED 5014
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 weeks
Contact: Athens Campus Coordinator
Eligible: Enrichment only
Months Offered: all
Note: this course is currently offered only on the Athens campus.
Course Description: The course is designed to give students a better understanding EMS systems. Students will get experience with EMS administration and operations, on-line and off-line medical control, and disaster medicine. Students will also gain experience with the prehospital assessment and transport of patients by participating in ride-alongs with paramedics in the field.
EMED 5016
Category: Clinical
Classification: 2 weeks
Contact: Regional Campus Coordinator
Eligible: Athens Campus
Months Offered: Fall, Spring & Summer
Course Description: The intention of this course is to serve as a preparation for residency. Participants will review topics covering clinical and procedural knowledge and skills as well as review ethical principles, personal wellness recommendations, and financial proficiency. Clinical and procedural review will encompass such topics as high-yield pharmacology, reading an EKG, reading a CXR, performing basic procedures, basic ultrasound, etc. Students will participate in simulations to prepare them for emergent situations they are likely to encounter as interns. They will also be introduced to skills that will be required of them as interns, including returning pages, handling cross-cover emergencies, managing team dynamics, dealing with medical error, handling patient deaths, and recognizing and intervening when biased care is experienced. Additionally, participants will discuss increasing self-awareness and develop skills to maintain personal wellness during residency.
EMED 5018
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 weeks
Contact: Regional Campus Coordinator
Eligible: Athens Campus
Months Offered: Fall, Spring & Summer
Course Description: The intention of this course is to allow students to gain a better understanding of the capabilities and limitations of simulation in healthcare education. During this elective, students will become familiar with simulation equipment such as hi-fidelity mannequins, procedural task trainers, ultrasound machines, and ultrasound phantoms. Students will be involved in simulation case creation, simulation and procedural session setup, controlling the high-fidelity mannequins during simulations, and debriefing sessions.
EMED 5019
Category: Clinical
Classification: 2 weeks
Contact: Regional Campus Coordinator
Eligible: Athens Campus
Months Offered: Fall, Spring & Summer
Course Description: The intention of this elective is to prepare students going into any specialty to best utilize medical imaging in their clinical practice. By the end of this course, students will be comfortable with the basic elements of medical imaging, choosing the most appropriate imaging test for each patient, and the interpretation of common radiologic findings.