How do I become a member of the image core?

Contact us with details on your experiment. We will need some sort of confirmation from your PI that he or she accepts responsibility for your usage. Afterwards we will schedule a training. Depending on your experience we may require more time under supervision. That is left to our discretion. Once we feel you are independent we will request your badge to have access to the facility and you are free to use the equipment when you wish.

  When can I get access to the facility?

After you have been trained in the use of the microscope and your badge has access to the facility you can use the equipment 24/7. Employee assistance is available from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (EST) Monday-Friday.

  How do I reserve a microscope?

Go to the calendar page and follow the directions. If you created the time correctly, you will receive an acceptance email. If there is a time conflict, you will receive a denial email. If you receive no email, the time was created correctly.

  My badge does not seem to allow me access to the facility. What can I do?

Contact us in the imaging core. When we request activation of a card it can take a couple of days to process.

  When I finish with a microscope do I leave it on?

Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (EST) Monday - Friday, leave everything on (but log off of the computer) if someone is scheduled no longer than an hour after you finish. If the next user is longer than an hour away, then turn off all of the equipment.
f you are unsure,  contact the core staff.

If you are using the equipment after normal hours, turn off all of the equipment after usage unless the next user is physically present to take over the equipment.

  How does the imaging core bill?

We look at both the time you reserve on a system and the actual time you stay logged into the machine and bill by whichever time is higher. It is important not to over reserve a system because of this.

Great Doctors, Great Medicine Since 1828.