PURE Experts Research Profiles, Creates a “fingerprint” or profile of all Faculty and co-Authorship relationships are displayed. Discover researchers for potential research collaboration and track recent scholarship.
Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI), Identify measures needed for research studies, grant proposals, client/patient assessment. Measurement instruments include questionnaires, checklists, coding and rating scales, etc.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments, Publishes peer-reviewed research in visual format to address the challenges of reproducibility of results. JoVE allows researchers to learn new techniques for clinical and basic science experiments. Subscribed subjects include biology, bioengineering, immunology, neuroscience and medicine.
MEDLINE via Ovid, Easy to use search system, with links to full-text and library catalog to locate articles
MEDLINE via PubMed, Clinical Queries searches systematic reviews, clinical studies and medical genetics, the related articles link uses a computer algorithm to find similar articles in MEDLINE. PubMed links to genetic databases and medical references texts when appropriate
PsycINFO, Psychological aspects of medicine, psychiatry, nursing, pharmacology, and physiology. Limit search to psychology subfields such as clinical or neuropsychology, publication Formats include conference proceedings, book chapters, biography.
Web of Science, Multidisciplinary subject resource covering basic and applied sciences. Can perform cited reference search to view author impact. Use an individual article to find related citations on research topic.
Copyright and Fair Use, Provides information on copyright standards including educational fair use. Describes author rights and consideration for copyright agreements. Illustrates accepted practice for using resources within the learning management system.
Data Management Planning, Find requirements for submission of data plans to federal funding agencies. Use DMPTool subscribed resource for data management plan templates. Link to data management resources.
Interlibrary Loan, Request journal articles not available via eJournal Navigator or library catalog, Fee-based service; $7.00 per article for Augusta University community, must register to create personal/department account.
NIH Public Access Policy, Monitor you funded research to ensure federal compliance. Prepare to submit your manuscript to the NIH system. Completing the approval process for individual articles.
ORCID, Resolves name ambiguity problem with unique 16 digit identifier. Improves discoverability of individual researcher scholarly output. Connects your scholarship to PURE profiles and PACT faculty reporting system.
Research Services Guide, Serves information needs of clinical and basic science faculty conducting research. Identifies research tools including publication assistance and research impact. Find resources for data sets, research protocols, and psychosocial research.
Scholarly Commons, Digitizes scholarly works and historical documents generated by the university community. A handle (permalink) is assigned to all materials deposited and usage statistics are provided. Higher visibility of scholarly works in search engines achieved with priority indexing and ranking.