In an effort to foster open and transparent communication with the AU community, ASB, in partnership with the Division of Enrollment and Student Affairs (ESA), which includes Multicultural Student Engagement (MSE), has developed this webpage to provide a systematic account of the actions we are taking to advance ASB and to create a more inclusive and welcoming campus. We encourage you to check the site on a regular basis to get status updates on plans in progress and to learn more about activities taking place at AU as it relates to ASB. Additional actions will be posted to this site once plans for those activities are more definitive. In ASB, we appreciate that creating a welcoming community, will take a united effort. If you see an activity or initiative that you would like to join, do not hesitate to reach out to our office or MSE to become involved. We look forward to working together to realize our shared vision for an inclusive campus.

Contact Us

Institutional Access, Success, & Belonging

Health Sciences Campus

G. Lombard Kelly Building





The Institutional Access, Success, & Belonging has identified Foundational Pillars to a welcoming Campus Climate will help build a stronger foundation at Augusta University. Recent efforts in the Institutional Access, Success, & Belonging (ASB) have focused on building these ASB pillars, which include:


Plans to Foster Open Communication

Improved ASB Website

  • Serves as a hub for ASB resources and information at AU
  • Provides status updates to AU community regarding progress of ASB initiatives

Active Now

Quarterly Online Listening Sessions with ASB

  • Provides increased opportunity for faculty and staff to engage with AU administrative leadership regarding ASB initiatives and concerns

Active Now

Sista Circle

  • A gathering of women identifying as people of color: fellowship, connection, and support.  Each session focuses on a relevant topic

Active Now

Student Involvement with ASB Committees

  • Students have been participating in MSE committees during summer 2020 and there will be more opportunities for students to participate in the upcoming semester.

Active Now


Monthly Courageous Conversations with SGA

  • Critical and insightful dialogues on between our students facilitated by a campus or regional/national expert in the field.

Active Now

“Being _____ at Augusta University”

(Black, Latin X, Asian Pacific Islander, Queer or Trans, Minoritized Religion)

  • Quarterly sessions to provide forum for students from minoritized communities to share concerns and connect with alumni and faculty/staff affinity groups

Active Now

TRUST (Tolerance Reformation & Unity Support Team)

  • University system that provides an avenue for bias incidents to be reported and documented
  • Provides an organized, evidenced-informed campus response that fosters healing following incidents

November 2020

 Training to Foster a Culturally Responsive Campus Climate

Multicultural Wellness Wednesdays

  • Monthly collaboration with Student Counseling and Psychological Services (SCAPS) and Wellness- Focus on health issues that directly affect minoritized communities

Active Now

Education of valuating news for reputable sources (CRAAP Test)

  • Available now at the Library web site

Active Now

Provide learning and development opportunities for health professional students

Recommendation from Professional Students:

Educate students on disparities and systemic oppression in health care

Recommendation from GSGA:

Provide Cultural Competence training in Professionalism Forum

  • ASB provides Healthy Perspectives (HP) is an online, high-tech, cultural competency training, primarily for students, but also open for faculty, staff and residents at Augusta University. All first-year health professions graduate students enrolled at Augusta University are required to complete this course
  • Add a education component to the Professionalism Forum required for all new health sciences students

Active Now

August 2020

Recommendation from BFSA:

Online learning and development opportunities for students, staff, faculty and AU leadership through ASB

  • Provides broad courses to ensure everyone on campus is exposed to basic ASB principles and language

Active Now

Online in-depth learning and development opportunities on specific ASB topics

  • A library of additional online courses available through ASB for faculty, staff and leadership to delve into topics of choice in more depth

Active Now

Recommendation from BSU:

Foster a culture of respect, tolerant of difference and intolerant of hate

  • Culture of Respect campaign linked to University values through Enrollment & Student Affairs (ESA)
  • Free Expression Training for Students through ESA during student leader training

Active Now

Recommendation from SGA:

Offer mandatory ASB introductory courses for all freshman through Wellness course

  • Add a education module to the Wellness course and link that module to an outreach event from the MSE through a collaboration between College of Education, Department of Kinesiology and ESA

Active Now

Cultural Competency Course for Student Organizations through MSE and SLE

  • Learning and Development Opportunity for Student Orgs by Professional Staff members

Active Now

Peer Education Program through MSE

  • Train student leaders to train other students on Free Expression and other relatable topics

Fall Semester 2021

In depth learning and development opportunities on specific ASB topics of choice

  • A menu of in-depth, in- person courses through ASB to provide more specific learning and development opportunities for faculty, staff and leadership in ASB

Active Now


Plans to Increase Visibilityon Campus

Featured Student, Staff, Faculty or Community 

  • Increase the awareness of the significance of ASB work and the visibility of diverse members of the AU community by featuring a new faculty, staff, student or community member engaged in ASB work on the ASB website each month

Active Now

Recommendation from BSU:

Present more diverse stories regarding AU’s history

  • ASB in partnership with the Lucy Craft Laney Museum of Black History and Augusta University’s Department of Art and Design will highlight the rich story of Drs. Justine and Isaiah “Ike” Washington
  • ASB and MSE in partnership with Dr. Caldwell (Director of the Center of GA history) to identify additional people and moments to commemorate

Active Now

Recommendation from BSU and BFSA:

Examine campus signs and symbols to ensure a welcoming and inclusive campus environment

  • President Keel will launch a broad task force which will include students, staff, faculty, alumni and community members, to explore ways that diverse signs and symbols (e.g., signage and plagues) can be added to the campus to recognize AU’s full history.
  • USG Task Force established to examine current building names and other symbols at universities across the Georgia system

Active Now

Active Now

Recommendation from BSU:

Additional staff support for Black students

  • President Keel approved the addition of a Program Manager position in ASB to increase campus ASB training efforts. In addition, a coordinator position for Multicultural Student Engagement position was also approved to implement a mentoring program, peer educator program, etc.

Active Now

Plans to Develop a ASB Strategic Plan

Campus Climate Survey through ASB

  • Assess current campus climate to inform strategic planning

Active Now

Preliminary Report prepared by ASB

  • Conduct Audit and prepare a report of current ASB efforts at AU to serve as a baseline measure for strategic planning and future progress


Report to be released October 2021

AU’s Strategic Plan

  • ASB to engage campus community in the development of a plan to guide campus ASB efforts

Will be integrated in the overall University Strategic Plan.