It is the responsibility of this board to manage and control the business and affairs, consistent with the goals of the Augusta University, as defined by the Dean of The Dental College of Georgia and the President of the Augusta University, and consistent with the Board of Regents’ policy on “Cooperative Organizations.” policies pertaining to all faculty members who provide patient care for the Dental Practice Group. This board is also responsible for creating and maintaining fiscal reports, reviewing annual budgets and developing and maintaining “Investment Policies” for the solvency and perpetuity of the Dental Practice Group. The committee consists of eight individuals, six of whom are elected by the voting members of the Dental Practice Group, one of whom shall be appointed by the Dean of The Dental College of Georgia and one of whom shall be the President of AU, or his/her designee, and shall serve as an ex officio member. The Trustee appointed by the Dean of The Dental College of Georgia may be the Dean, or a designee who is a voting member of the Dental Practice Group. The committee will elect its own chair. The Associate Dean for Business and Finance is a non‐voting ex officio member.



Dean Carol Lefebvre

Membership Roster

Members Role Constituency Representing Term
Gretchen Caughman Other Augusta University Administrative Ongoing
Jeril Cooper Other The Dental College of Georgia Faculty Ongoing
Carol Lefebvre Other The Dental College of Georgia Administrative Ongoing
Henry Ferguson Member The Dental College of Georgia Faculty Ongoing
Alan Furness Other The Dental College of Georgia Administrative Ongoing
Barry Hammond Secretary/Reporter The Dental College of Georgia Faculty Ongoing
Michael Pruett Other The Dental College of Georgia Faculty Ongoing
Mario Romero Member The Dental College of Georgia Faculty Ongoing