The Neuropsychology Service of the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University performs comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations of adult patients suspected of having cognitive impairment associated with neurological or medical conditions.
Common referrals include patients with:
A neuropsychological evaluation typically involves assessment that includes testing of cognitive and functions such as memory, attention, and problem solving abilities using a group of standardized tests that are sensitive to the effects of brain dysfunction.
Some abilities may be measured in more detail than others, depending on individual needs and the referral question.
Most patients will meet with some combination of the Neuropsychologist, the psychometrist, and/or the postdoctoral fellow. During the interview, information that is important for the neuropsychologist to consider will be reviewed. Patients will be asked about their symptoms, medical history, medications, and other important factors. Patients should make every effort to bring someone who knows them well to the appointment to provide collateral information.
Testing involves taking paper-and-pencil or computerized tests and answering questions. The time required depends upon the problem being assessed, but in general, several hours are needed to assess the many skills involved in processing information. Some tests will be easy while others will be more complex. The most important thing is that patients try to do their best on all tests.
People being evaluated should bring their eyeglasses or hearing aids if they use them.
The Neuropsychology Service currently evaluates the neuropsychological capabilities of adults (age 18-65), and older adults (over age 65).
The Department of Neurology at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University offers a two-year postdoctoral training program in adult clinical neuropsychology which conforms to the Houston Conference Guidelines on Specialty Education & Training in Clinical Neuropsychology.
Feel free to contact me if you believe we can be of service to you.
Kelly Stanek, PhD
(706) 721-3851
Adult Neuropsychology
905 15th St
Augusta, GA 30901