Pre Tenure Review Subcommittee



This standing subcommittee shall consist of a chair and additional members, all appointed by nomination of the Committee on Committees and approval of the Executive Committee of the Medical College of Georgia Faculty Senate. The chair shall hold the rank of professor and must be tenured. Subcommittee members shall be elected for three year rotating terms. They should have previously served on the Faculty Appointments, Development, Promotion, and Tenure (FADPT) Committee.

This standing subcommittee is governed by the existing policies and rules as developed by the faculty and shall operate similarly to the FADPT Committee.


This subcommittee shall review faculty eligible for tenure in advance of their submission for promotion to assure that the candidate is meeting criteria. This subcommittee serves in an advisory capacity to the dean of the Medical College of Georgia and the president of Augusta University.  

Committee Membership

Mark Hamrick, PhD, Professor, tenure, Cellular Biology & Anatomy chair (2021)
Yong Park, MD, Professor, tenure, Pediatrics (2020)
Thad Wilkins, MD, Professor, Family Medicine (2020)
Michael Brands, PhD, Regents' Professor, tenure, Physiology (2020)
Scott Barman, PhD, Professor, tenure, Pharmacology & Toxicology (2020)
Vincent Robinson, MD, President, MCG Faculty Senate, ex-officio voting