Dr. Davis was appointed Chair of the Department of Dermatology on February 1, 2019.
She was appointed Chief of the Division of Dermatology at the Medical College of Georgia,
Augusta University in 2011. She is a graduate of Miami University and The Ohio State
College of Medicine where she completed residencies in both Internal Medicine and
Dermatology. While at Ohio State she was inducted into Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honorary,
appointed Chief Resident in Dermatology and subsequently served on faculty in the
Division of Dermatology.
Dr. Davis joined the faculty of the Medical College of Georgia in 1992. She currently
serves as Dermatology Residency Program Director, Medical Director of the Dermatology
Practice Site, and advisor for medical students interested in careers in dermatology. She
has received Exemplary Teaching Awards for Medical Student Education as well as the
Faculty Senate Distinguished Faculty Award for Clinical Science Teaching in 2009 and
the Outstanding Teaching Award from the Physician Assistant Department in 2013. Recognized
as a Regional Top Doctor and a Best Doctor in America, she is a widely sought after
speaker and consultant.
Dr. Davis has strong clinical interests in cutaneous manifestations of systemic disease,
autoimmune skin diseases, and complicated medical dermatology. She has authored over
75 original articles and book chapters. Dr. Davis is a member of the Augusta Dermatology
Society, Georgia Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, and the American
Academy of Dermatology.