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See Critical Care ListingSee Sub-I Listing - Regional Campus Only
This course requires application using VSLO or other arrangements made by the student. Off-Campus Add Form Required
Category: Clinical
Classification: Off Campus; 4 Weeks or 2 Weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator
Eligible: Enrichment Only
Months Offered: all
Course Description: This course is designed to provide the student with experience in pediatrics in an off campus setting through prior arrangement between the student and an off-campus pediatrician or program. The setting may be either inpatient or ambulatory based.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Campus Coordinator
Eligible: Clerkship +
Months Offered: all
Course Description: This rotation is designed to help students become proficient at performing a cardiovascular history and physical exam on pediatric patients. On the Augusta campus activities may include daily rounds in the PICU, the floor, and NICU as well as daily clinics. Opportunities arise almost daily for participating in cardiac catheterization, intraoperative transesophageal echo, and postoperative care on the Augusta campus. Observation of at least one surgical case is expected. Activities on other campuses will be primarily clinical with opportunities to participate in echo’s and ECG’s.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks of 2 Weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator
Eligible: Enrichment Only
Months Offered: all
Course Description: The rotation is designed to provide the student with experience in allergy and immunology primarily in an outpatient setting. Activities will include seeing patients of all ages in the allergy-immunology clinic and on the inpatient service under the direct supervision of the faculty.
Category: Non-Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Coordinator
Eligible: All
Months Offered: All
Course Description: This course is designed to enable the student to participate in research in selected areas of pediatrics through special arrangement with a member of the pediatric faculty. Expectations must be agreed upon in writing before registering.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks or 2 Weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Coordinator
Eligible: Clerkship +
Months Offered: Limited availability, contact Clerkship Coordinator for availability.
Course Description: This rotation is designed to provide the student with experience in pediatric gastroenterology. Activities will include evaluating patients in the outpatient setting as well as inpatient consults on newly admitted patients and observing GI procedures performed by attendings.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks or 2 Weeks (Course not currently offered)
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator
Eligible: Clerkship +
Months Offered: all
Course Description: This rotation is designed to provide the student with experience in evaluating a child with a complex infectious disease and completing a pediatric consult to assist in the diagnosis and management of that child and to learn more about HIV exposure and disease in children. Students will participate in consults on pediatric in-patients, NICU, PICU, Nursery and Wards, outpatient clinics in Pediatrics ID, microbiology lab, rounds with Pediatrics ID attending regularly, and small group/lecture. Students will also give a 20 – 30 minute presentation on an ID topic of choice at end of rotation.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks or 2 Weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Coordinator
Eligible: Clerkship +
Months Offered: all
Course Description: This rotation is designed to provide the student with experience evaluating well and sick neonates in the newborn nursery setting. The student will complete newborn histories and physical exams, spend time with a lactation consultant, present a teaching topic, and review and update a nursery protocol.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks/2 Weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Coordinator
Eligible: Clerkship +
Months Offered: all
Course Description: This rotation is designed to familiarize student with the needs of chronically ill oncology and hematology patients and multidisciplinary approach needed to care for them. Students will participate in inpatient and outpatient experiences including following specific patients, and reviewing peripheral blood smears and bone marrows will be arranged with the attending physician and pathologist. In addition students will be asked to present a topic of choice.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks/2 Weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Coordinator
Eligible: Clerkship +
Months Offered: all
Course Description: This elective is designed to familiarize the student with normal variations in pre- pubertal and pubertal growth patterns, the diagnostic approach to pediatric endocrine conditions and the ongoing management of the conditions. The weekly Pediatric Diabetes Clinics offer the student the opportunity to become familiar with the multidisciplinary approach to a chronic condition. In addition, there will be a discussion of a chosen topic each week. Clinical research projects can also be arranged.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks/2 Weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Coordinator
Eligible: Clerkship +
Months Offered: all
Course Description: This rotation is designed provide the student with an intensive exposure to Pediatric Pulmonology patients through a combination of outpatient encounters and inpatient consults plus didactic sessions. The student will attend all pediatric pulmonology clinics, will participate in inpatient consults and weekly multidisciplinary rounds with the hospitalist team, will attend conferences and lectures as pertinent to pulmonology, will complete a portfolio provided to them at the beginning of the rotation, and will present a short educational session at the end of the rotation.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Coordinator
Eligible: Clerkship +
Months Offered: all
Course Description: The Pediatric Enhanced Primary Care “PEPC” clinic is an integrated
behavioral health care clinic for children and adolescents, ages four to 16. Common
concerns include social, emotional, behavioral, and developmental deficits, and diagnoses
the Neurodevelopmental, Depressive, and Anxiety Disorder sections of the Diagnostic
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). The interdisciplinary
care team
includes two pediatricians, a psychologist, a nurse practitioner specializing in sleep
a psychiatry fellow, and doctoral psychology trainees.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Campus Coordinator
Eligible: all
Months Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Description: This elective course is designed to provide medical students in their third and fourth year of training an immersive experience in the field of Med-Peds. In this elective, students will work a med-peds faculty member to evaluate and manage both adult and pediatric patients. Students will have the opportunity to develop insight into the med-peds pathway and for mentorship and career development.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 2 or 4 Weeks depending on the amount of credit hours
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Campus Coordinator
Eligible: all
Months Offered: Spring
Course Description: This unique elective allows the student to participate as part of the medical and camp team for a week at a summer camp for children with chronic medical conditions. Activities include supervised patient evaluations with medical team members; observation, mentorship and supervised participation in care and maintenance of the campers; observation and occasionally participation in camp activities with campers; and observation and reflection on important aspects of childhood development and how chronic disease impact this.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks/2 Weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Coordinator
Eligible: Clerkship +
Months Offered: all
Course Description: This rotation is designed to allow students to gain experience with the acute and chronic diseases associated with two different pediatric subspecialties or a subspecialty that does not currently have an elective. Activities include participation in outpatient subspecialty clinics, consults on pediatric inpatient, NICU, PICU, Nursery and Wards, reading about specific patients and about relevant subspecialty topics, and attending conferences and lectures as pertinent to the subspecialty. Permission from both subspecialties and written agreement on schedule is required in advance.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator
Eligible: Enrichment only and declaring Pediatrics as sponsering department
Months Offered: February/March
Course Description: The AP program will be comprised of a 4-week elective which will consist of required small group sessions during the 1st and 4th weeks and independent work during the 2nd and 3rd weeks. Activities include small-group discussions, simulations, and individual projects. There are no direct patient care experiences.
Category: Non-Clinical
Classification: 4 Weeks (2 Weeks credit)
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator
Eligible: All
Months Offered: September - June
Course Description: The student will research in depth a topic of his/her choice and will prepare a paper for presentation/publication. Optionally, the student may participate in clinical rounds and other activities in the Department of Pastoral Care. The experience will primarily be independent study and may be partially off campus. The student will meet regularly with faculty for discussion and evaluation of his/her progress, and an in-person orientation is required the first week. This is not a 100% virtual course.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 2 weeks or 4 Weeks
Contact: Regional Campus Coordinator
Eligible: Clerkship+
Months Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer
Course Description: During the Pediatric Palliative Care Rotation medical students will interact with children and families with complex medical conditions and complex medical needs. Emphasis of this rotation will include understanding and implementing therapeutic communication, symptom management and coordination of services. Pediatric Palliative Care Providers interact with the primary medical and surgical teams and assist in implementing discussions on goals of care and understanding “quality of life” as defined by the pediatric patient and family. End of life care will also be implemented as needed for pediatric patients and families for patients that are in the end stages of an illness.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 2 weeks or 4 Weeks
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Campus Coordinator
Eligible: Clerkship+
Months Offered: Fall and Spring
Course Description: This rotation is designed to familiarize the student with the diagnosis, management, and treatment of children with a variety of acute and chronic kidney-related disorders. This includes diagnostic and therapeutic services for children with renal disease, hypertension, fluid-electrolyte disorders, acid-base disorders, pre/post-operative care for end stage renal failure, and acute renal failure. Students will primarily see patients in the outpatient Pediatric Nephrology clinic and will have the opportunity to review laboratory studies, diagnostic imaging, and observe renal biopsies.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 2 weeks or 4 Weeks depending on the amount of credit hours
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Campus Coordinator
Eligible: All Upon completion of PEDS 5000
Months Offered: Fall and Spring
Course Description: This is a 2 or 4-week clinical elective in outpatient pediatric therapy/rehabilitation ideal for 4th year medical students or 3rd year medical students who have completed their Pediatrics core clerkship. Students interested in careers in general pediatrics and pediatric subspecialties, physical medicine & rehabilitation, neurology/child neurology, family medicine, or who seek a deeper understanding of speech therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy for children. In addition, this elective provides exposure to the “medically complex child” and highlights the need for extensive wrap-around services or a medical home for such patients. This elective requires both in-person clinical patient care under the supervision of speech, physical, and occupational therapists and self-directed reading and reflection.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 2 weeks or 4 Weeks depending on the amount of credit hours
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator, Regional Campus Coordinator
Eligible: All Upon completion of PEDS 5000
Months Offered: Fall and Spring
Course Description: This rotation is designed to provide concentrated exposure to children and adolescents with autoimmune and inflammatory diseases and become familiar with commonly encountered Pediatric rheumatic conditions. The majority of this elective will occur in the outpatient setting and students will also have time for directed reading to further explore the pathophysiology of the diseases encountered.