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Classification: Registered in one block, but coursework & assignments may be extended past block & semester, grade will be entered at project completion
Eligible: Savannah Campus
Months Offered: all
Course Description: The course provides students with a foundation in the principles of medical education. It allows students to tailor the experience to fit their chosen specialty and career path. It is composed of three different components: core medical education curriculum, teaching and scholarship. These components consist of both required offerings and voluntary sessions, which students will choose from in order to fulfill the requirements. Students will engage with material from relevant underlying “methods” disciplines from the learning sciences, including topics such as selection of research subjects, alignment of learning objectives with activities and assessments, active learner engagement, and so forth. The main clinical or science content will be selected by the student and the invited teaching faculty to be most relevant to the student’s chosen field.
Category: Non-Clinical
Classification: 2 weeks only
Contact: Yulissa Rodriguez
Eligible: Clerkship phase students only, max 20 per block M4 students will take EMED 5008 as 4 week elective
Months Offered: all
Course Description: This is an elective focusing on point-of-care ultrasound for.
The goals of this elective course are to promote Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS)
as a clinical skills tool to enhance the educational experience of students with basic
science content and to transform basic knowledge and experience of students with ultrasound
technology to enable readiness to incorporate POCUS skills set into clinical practice.
This course will introduce medical students to a variety of POCUS scanning techniques.
Category: Non-Clinical
Classification: 4 weeks
Contact: Dr. Louise Thai
Eligible: Enrichment Only
Months Offered: all
Course Description: The four-week long CBL (Case-Based Learning) Elective is intended
for M4 students who are interested in developing small group teaching and clinical
case writing skills in preparation for career in academic medicine. The goal of this
elective is to introduce students to the Socratic method of teaching as it applies
to CBL while allowing them to tailor the experience according to the specialty of
their choice for residency.
Category: Non-Clinical
Classification: 4 weeks
Contact: Regional Campus Coordinator
Eligible: Savannah Campus
Months Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Description: This elective course is designed to provide medical students in their third and fourth year of training an opportunity to explore healthy adult behaviors. The sessions are designed to engage students in topics related to personal health and wellbeing and to allow students to explore the physical, psychological, and social changes that occur throughout in adulthood.
Category: Clinical
Classification: 3 weeks
Contact: Yulissa Rodriguez
Eligible: All
Months Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Description: The MEDI 5017 Clerkship Telemedicine Elective course is a 6 credit hour clerkship elective offered to MCG Clerkship medical students over a 3-week rotation.
The goals of this elective course are to:
1) Explain key components of the pre-visit checklist and appropriate interactions for executing an appropriate, billable telemedicine exam
2) Identify best practices for collecting a patient history and conducting a physical exam during a telemedicine patient encounter
3) Recognize regulations, health equity, cultural competency, special populations, and special use cases in telemedicine patient encounters
Category: Clinical
Classification: 2 weeks
Contact: Yulissa Rodriguez
Eligible: MCG Clerkship students with appropriate faculty approval
Months Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Course Description: Currently students have basic training in bedside procedures during
the PCL clinical experience curriculum. Once they enter clerkship exposure to procedures
is variable. Depending on the site and clinical staff they are working with. Given
the growing complexity of healthcare students are less likely to be directly involved
in more complex procedures such as intubation or central line placement.
Allowing students to review and practice key procedures is intended to increase their
comfort level when they have opportunities to perform these procedures on patients
during the clerkship and enrichment years.
The Goal
The Goal of the procedure elective is to help students develop a practical and theoretical
understanding of key bedside and critical care procedures.
During the clerkship procedure elective students will work asynchronously to review
procedure videos in several categories. They will be tested on retention of key concepts
from each of the procedures. The videos will cover both common bedside procedures
and less common but vital life-saving procedures. At the end of the elective students
will be asked to reflect on their experience and think about how they will apply the
information during their clinical training in clerkship and enrichment. A hands -on
procedure component will be introduced as well where students are expected to demonstrate
their procedural skills using the sim and procedure equipment available on each campus.
Students will record themselves performing a subset of procedures that will be reviewed
and evaluated by the experiential education faculty.
Category: Non-Clinical
Classification: 4 weeks
Contact: Dr. A.J. Kleinheksel
Eligible: All with faculty approval
Months Offered: all
Enrollment cap: 8 at a time
Course Description: This elective is designed to introduce students to the science, art, and technology of simulation in medical education. Students will learn the fundamental principles of medical simulation, including supporting learning theories, best practices in facilitation, case design, and performance assessment. During this course students will observe simulations from “the other side of the glass,” develop their own simulation case, and run and debrief simulations as the facilitator. There are three tracks in which students can choose to facilitate and design their simulation case: Clinical Simulations, Patient Centered Learning, or Clinical Progression Assessments. The length of the course is two or three months, depending on the time of year and track selected. This course will be particularly valuable to those students interested in academic medicine, as well as to students who intend to apply for a medical simulation fellowship.
Anes 5014
Category: Non-Clinical
Classification: 4 weeks Monday thru Thursday 4 hours/day
Contact: Clerkship Coordinator
Eligible: All
Months Offered: July-April (Maximum enrolled 15/Minimum 2)
Course Description: This course helps students develop the skills necessary to treat patients in need of respiratory therapy. Emphasizing on non-invasive ventilation, and mechanical ventilation. Students will be more comfortable in the ICU following this rotation. The course involves three days a week in the classroom with combined lecture and interactive scenarios and the fourth day with the simulation lab. ACLS provided for a fee, but is optional time permitting.