The Dental Hygiene program at Augusta University believes that professional education should provide for self-development as well as intellectual growth.

Education is a multidimensional process - the acquisition of knowledge with understanding, scholarly inquiry, and continual self-growth and maturation. Our educational format interweaves basic and clinical sciences, liberal arts, and interpersonal relations to produce a responsible citizen with interest and concern for the welfare of self, family, and the community.

The department faculty believes in the development of democratic ideas which will enable students and graduates to participate as active members of society. Student-student and student-faculty interactions mold leadership qualities and promote the ability to work cooperatively while retaining individuality.

Each health professional must be able to work in a cooperative setting with other professionals in a united effort to provide quality total patient care. Support and participation is expected in professional and civic organizations as well as in issues affecting health services to the public. Policies on bloodborne and infectious diseases are strongly enforced.