The Bashir Chaudhary Award for Excellence in Research or Excellence in Clinical Practice while a student in the Respiratory Therapy Program


bashirachaudharyBashir A. Chaudhary, MD is the second Medical Director of the Department of Respiratory Therapy (1985-present). The Bashir A. Chaudhary Research Laboratory was so named to recognize his contributions to the program over the years and to honor his passion of encouraging students to learn and participate in the creation and dissemination of new knowledge.



 CRITERIA: This award was created to encourage research through recognizing a student or a group of students who have demonstrated excellence in respiratory care research. Eligible student projects must demonstrate:

1) innovation
2) quality of data collection and analysis
3) oral and poster presentation of research work
4) potential for publication
5) clinical impact of the research

The winner(s) of this award will be selected by the faculty of the Respiratory Therapy program.

AMOUNT: $500 in total


2018 - Ryan Buffett
2017 - Sangley George
2015 - Chelsey Alewine, Chelsea Brigham, Benjamin Hill and Christopher Odom
2014 - Antuan Harris, Naeconda Ivey, Kayla Lariscy, Melanie O’Connor and Jennifer Whitman
2010 - Marianne Kathleen Mozo and Essa Elizabeth Paschal
2009 - Tianna Renee Reynolds, Rebecca Lynn Smith and Antony Robert Scott


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