To anonymously report any concern to the DIO, please see link below. Please provide as much details as you are comfortable with to allow follow-up. Anonymous reporting will occur unless you provide your name, details. Confidential reporting will always be ensured if consistent with state and federal laws.

Report compliance issues or concerns anonymously to the DIO 

For conflict resolution with the assistance of the GME ombudsman, see GME HS Policy 12.0 and contact information below.

Per ACGME requirements, The Sponsoring Institution (i.e., MCG) must ensure that House Staff have access to systems for reporting errors, adverse events, unsafe conditions, and near misses in a protected manner that is free from reprisal. In addition, MCG must provide a learning and working environment in which residents/fellows and faculty members have the opportunity to raise concerns and provide feedback without intimidation or retaliation, and in a confidential manner, as appropriate.

For additional details regarding concern reporting and conflict resolution, see GME HS Policy 39.0

To report possible discrimination, please see link below.


To report Title IX concerns, please see link below.


To request or ask about disability accommodations, please see link below.


For reporting errors, adverse events, unsafe conditions, and near misses including unprofessional behavior which may result in a patient safety event occurring at AU Health, please use the SOS system. Anonymous reporting is possible if needed. Please contact your program director or other program member to report a related concern at another participating site.

Finally, we hope that you will comfortable using the above avenues to raise concerns, provide feedback, and report errors, adverse events, unsafe conditions, and near misses. However, ACGME reporting is also available if resolution is not possible internally. The link is provided below.