Education Mission Focus Areas & Goals

Strategic Focus Area 1:   STUDENT SUCCESS

Augusta University will provide a culture and a community dedicated to the successful progression of our students toward their educational, personal, and career goals. Augusta University will focus on delivering programs and support services designed to help students define their goals, achieve academic and personal success, graduate, and go on to further education or into their chosen careers. Augusta University will promote student engagement and provide opportunities for student-centered academic program activities and learning experiences.

Goal 1.1:

To increase opportunities for recruiting high-capability students, Enrollment Management, in conjunction with the colleges and academic programs, will:

1.1.1  Create and implement a strategic recruitment plan with new student enrollment goals and plans for achieving these goals which includes tactics for attracting first generation students and otherwise disproportionately under-represented populations.

1.1.2  Continuously improve recruiting programs (ex. relationships with feeder schools, scholarships, new markets) to increase our competitiveness in the higher education market by promoting Augusta University as a destination of choice.

1.1.3  Increase overall public relations and marketing programs to promote the quality of Augusta University programs and student success in conjunction with the Division of Communications and Marketing.

Goal 1.2:

To continue executing our Complete College Georgia plan designed to improve student retention, progression and graduation for all student cohorts (e.g. traditional, first generation, under-represented minorities, dual enrollment, non-traditional, etc.), we will:

1.2.1  Enhance and expand first- and second-year experience programs to assist students with transitions, connections, and adjustments during their early years with Augusta University.

1.2.2  Continue enhancing the effectiveness of the advising center and its efforts to advise students especially using technology such as First Alert and the EAB Student Success Collaborative.

1.2.3  Increase the number of students who engage in academic enrichment programs including the Honors Program, CURS, and Study Away/Abroad.

1.2.4  Continuously improve career counseling services by informing students early on about career opportunities and the linkage to their academic program choices.

1.2.5  Assess performance of all student cohorts and use the results to institute and enhance programs for successful degree completion intentionally targeting efforts to reduce performance gaps among them.

1.2.6  Implement and enhance student engagement opportunities.


Strategic Focus Area 2:   CURRICULUM & PEDAGOGY

Faculty will drive the curriculum content and delivery to enrich student experiences and meet the evolving needs of our diverse student populations, discipline-specific best practices, and a commitment to high-impact education practices.

Goal 2.1

To ensure the relevance of our curriculum to the needs of today’s learners and their future success, programs will review the content of their curriculum to:

2.1.1  Align curriculum and program-level student learning outcomes with disciplinary and professional standards, peers, and employer needs.

2.1.2  Develop course-level student learning outcomes that map to program-level student learning outcomes.

2.1.3  Integrate inter-professional and multidisciplinary educational opportunities into the course curricula.

Goal 2.2

To ensure that pedagogy is current, contemporary, and learner-centered, programs will:

2.2.1  Incorporate activity-based and experiential learning practices into their course curricula, as appropriate, using academically endorsed best practices.

2.2.2  Implement high-impact educational practices to enrich student learning experiences such as those defined by the AAC&U as High Impact Practices.

2.2.3  Integrate technology-enhanced learning.

2.2.4  Incorporate culturally competent best practices to foster an inclusive learning environment.

Goal 2.3:

To embrace efficiency practices that optimize the faculty’s ability to foster engaged learning, with guidance and support from academic affairs, programs will:

2.3.1  Adjust course enrollments to gain efficiency while maintaining an appropriate learning environment.

2.3.2  Offer class schedules that meet the needs of our diverse learners.

2.3.3  Balance faculty effort assignments to meet the needs of the department and individual faculty careers, especially as it applies to promotion and tenure.

2.3.4  Propose changes to learning spaces that meet the needs of the updated curriculum and pedagogy, if necessary.

2.3.5  Enhance and participate in faculty development opportunities to ensure effective instructional design and relevant use of technology in teaching and learning. 



Augusta University will build our academic reputation and recognition by offering distinctive and high-quality academic programs that prepare informed and engaged students for success. Academic programming will successfully increase student learning and expand the depth and quality of the educational experience for our students. Augusta University programs will leverage existing strengths while building strong linkages and alliances with the community (local, regional, national, and international), business, industry, and the military as well as other institutions. Academic programming will promote learning across disciplines and professions, globalization in chosen areas, and the sustainment and building of our system of off-campus instructional and practice sites for high growth program areas and degrees.

Goal 3.1:

To ensure that Augusta University offers high quality academic programs that meet the needs of our students, community, and employers, colleges will:

3.1.1  Review each program’s quality and performance to ensure the programs are preparing students for success using nationally benchmarked standards, demand for graduates, discipline specific accreditation (as available), rankings, faculty reputation, and students who achieve local, national, and/or international academic recognition.

3.1.2  Leverage existing strengths while building relationships with the community, business, industry, and the military incorporating experiential learning, research experiences, inter-professional instruction, global perspectives, and internships as appropriate.

3.1.3  Create new programs (i.e. certificates, dual degree, accelerated combinations, credit and non-credit) that leverage our ability to provide unique offerings.

Goal 3.2:

To sustain existing and develop new academic programs that are viable and productive, colleges will:

3.2.1  Evaluate each program’s viability in terms of enrollment and the FTE faculty to student ratio against benchmarks and standards developed from peer review.

3.2.2  Evaluate each program’s productivity in terms of its production of graduates and its student credit hour to faculty ratio in relation to faculty effort assignment.

3.2.3  Develop and implement recommendations and future plans based on these evaluations including the potential need for curriculum revision, program closure, or any alterations to the program’s staffing, class size, modality, etc.

Goal 3.3:

To enhance our reputation by promoting Augusta University’s academic programs, colleges will:

3.3.1  Identify and implement marketing and public relations opportunities to highlight our academic programs in conjunction with the Division of Communications and Marketing.

3.3.2  Leverage community and employer partnerships for increased awareness of Augusta University’s program array in conjunction with the appropriate institutional representatives (e.g. Advancement, Strategic Partnerships, and Government Relations).


Strategic Focus Area 4:   CULTURE & ENGAGEMENT

Augusta University will continue our commitment to our values and to fostering a culture of engagement among faculty and staff across all of our missions. We will accomplish this through building an inclusive environment for collaboration, cooperation, effective communications, professional development opportunities, frequent occasions for interaction, and celebration of accomplishments. 

Goal 4.1:

To improve faculty and staff engagement, all levels of academic leadership will:

4.1.1  Clarify the roles and responsibilities of participants in shared governance (i.e. those elected to the University Senate and Employee Advisory Council) to improve communication, engagement and effectiveness among our constituent groups.

4.1.2  Expand opportunities to recognize faculty and staff members for their contributions and accomplishments to support the educational mission.

4.1.3  Implement sustainable opportunities for active communication, sharing, and collaboration among and between faculty, students, and staff.

Goal 4.2:

 To enhance our culture, all levels of academic leadership will:

4.2.1  Enhance opportunities to support the professional development of our faculty and staff that improve their effectiveness in contributing to the educational mission and appreciation for workplace diversity.

4.2.2  Balance faculty effort (as defined by the effort reporting definitions) as appropriate for each discipline or academic program.

4.2.3  Continue the review of faculty and staff compensation using relevant benchmarks to create fiscally responsible plans to support the recruitment and retention of a competitive workforce.

4.2.4  Improve institutional processes to increase efficiency and employee satisfaction in support of the educational mission.